Tuesday, April 12, 2011

poster inspiration

the first part for task 2 is creating a research document on poster design.
here are some that i find effective/inspiring/creative etc.

more skilllllzzz for task 2

-to create a pattern: use shapes and colours to create pattern then select all--edit-define pattern

-creating a repeat pattern

make an invisible square - not outline

draw shapes

select all shapes including outline box

using pathfinder - divide shapes

right click - ungroup

move shapes to fit box, using shift to keep aligned

delete outside box

click on pattern in swatches and draw shape

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

another fully focused class...

-3 separate posters, one for each theme
-can be 3 different illustrations or alterations on one image
-ABOUT ILLUSTRATION, doesnt have to be full body

-two or more objects
-both selected
-use blend options to gradiate shapes and change specified steps etc

blended shape:
-create colour box
-click mesh tool
-draw grid
-using white arrow, click grid points
-select colour
-move axis points if you want using white arrow

-blend mode
-transparency bar on right hand side